The Only Right Time is Right Now

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You may have read or heard the saying “The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” It’s been credited to several people, but whomever wrote it, it’s true. We wait for the perfect moment to chase our dreams and, of course, the perfect moment never arrives. We plan to start walking tomorrow. We think about moving to a smaller place that’s easier to take care of, but we’re overwhelmed by the idea of downsizing a lifetime of mementos we’ve collected, and so we do nothing.

So why are we waiting to live the life we want? Don’t wait for a deadly diagnosis to begin taking care of your health. A winning lottery ticket would be great, but your numbers may never come up. What can you do with what you have today? When is the ideal time to take your dream vacation? To make that move? The only perfect time, the only right time, the only time there is, is right now. So, stop waiting and start doing.

And taking action in your home is where the team at Caring Transitions comes in. Whether you just need help decluttering, or packing up, relocating, and unpacking, Caring Transitions has professionals ready to do the work, so you don’t have to. And all those collectibles? They’ll find new homes through their online estate sale auction site,

Are you waiting until tomorrow to make a positive change in your life? Delaying one more day just puts you into procrastination mode, and it sets you up for near-certain failure. We need to find the motivation to start and the willpower to continue. If there’s something you want to do, do it. Start today and stick with it for at least 30 days. That’s when habits begin to form.

Research shows that sticking with something for at least 30 days will triple your chances of achieving it. It also confirms that we are more likely to accomplish our goals if we have help. There is power and accountability in community. Whether it’s a neighbor to walk with, a travel agent to help plan a trip, or a Caring Transitions team member to help with a move, you don’t have to do it alone. Small steps can lead to big changes. Most of us give up far too quickly on our dreams and goals. Start today, take some action, and the results will follow.


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